Download quartus ii web edition 2016
Download quartus ii web edition 2016


Download the design, unzip and open the project Simple-CPLD-Demo.qpf. To use this design, download Quartus Web 9.1 and install. The entire design contains all of the files needed to quickly utilize the Simple CPLD board including the pin and device assignments. The other feature of a module like this is the speed it switches in nanoseconds instead of the microsecond speeds found in many microcontrollers. As the name implies, I/O lines can be programmed to be inputs, outputs or bi-directional and can also tristate and simulate open-collector outputs. There could have been more except I like to make sure there are several ground pins. The first thing that jumps out when using one of these CPLD modules is the large number of Input/Output (I/O) lines available from the 40 pin package, 35 I/O lines to be exact. The PCB is a simple two-sided design, however assembly requires first installing the 40 position “machined” pins from the bottom, clipping the leads short, and then installing the socket from the top. I have several clones that I got off of eBay including one that is a clone that supports Altera, Xilinx and Lattice all in one.ĭown the road I hope to do a programmer clone project, the parts are sitting on the table next to me.

download quartus ii web edition 2016

An approved “Altera USB Blaster” costs $50 and is available from places like Digikey. To program a standalone CPLD like this one, a dedicated programmer is needed. The 10 pin connector and a handful of resistors comprise the programming circuit, this footprint is often called the JTAG connector. With that said, it’s easy to use a different TCO or to apply an external clock to the pins provided. In real life I think a 4 MHz or a special frequency such as 14.318 MHz (NTSC x 4) or 1.8432 MHz (UART) may be more useful for slower logic as the clock does not need to be divided down as much. The original on-board oscillator is a 25 MHz device, mostly because “fast” is usually good. I have a batch coming from overseas at a much cheaper price, if anyone is looking to build several units where a cheaper source pays off then message me. These parts tend to cost $8-$9USD from the standard catalog sources. This package can be inserted in a through-hole socket or directly soldered to the PCB. This part known as either the EPM7032 or EPM7064, comes in a 44 pin plastic leaded chip carrier (PLCC) which is sometimes called J lead due to the J shape of the pin leads. The project can also be found on The CPLD: A surface mount part that fits a through-hole socket

  • Gerber Files Simple CPLD R2 (OSH Park Compatible).
  • Looking at the schematic you can tell there isn’t much to it: basically the CPLD, the circuit for in-circuit programming and an oscillator to drive the logic in the CPLD. In addition, an external clock source may easily be applied via a connector thanks to a suggestion/comment from the last post. I also added a two-pin connector for power at the last minute but really would like to have added a diode to protect against reverse polarity. I am only partially happy with the USB connector approach as it is useful only for the 5V version and dangerous if the 3.3V CPLD is used. I also added a USB Mini connector to make it easier to power the assembly, like when making a video for Hackaday. With that said, the oscillator is a surface mount device (SMD) just due to the cost and size of its through-hole counterpart.

    download quartus ii web edition 2016 download quartus ii web edition 2016 download quartus ii web edition 2016

    The design itself tries to utilize through-hole parts and a socket for the CPLD so that you could more easily build it yourself without a lot of surface mount soldering. So if you’re interested in learning CPLDs, or just designing boards for them, read on! But a CPLD needs a little bit of support infrastructure to become usable, and that’s what I’ll be walking you through here. To back up a little bit, a Complex Programmable Logic Device (CPLD) is a cool piece of hardware to have in your repertoire and it can be used to learn logic or a high level design language or replace obsolete functions or chips. Since then I started over, having fixed the width problem, and ended up with a module that looks decidedly… cuter. If you read my first post about a simple CPLD do-it-yourself project you may remember that I seriously wiffed when I made the footprint 1” wide, which was a bit too wide for common solderless breadboards.

    Download quartus ii web edition 2016